Marine Division of Magyar Suzuki Corporation celebrated Earth Day 2022 with garbage collection

On April 22, 2022, on Earth Day, Marine Division of Magyar Suzuki Corporation organized a garbage collection campaign in Esztergom and other programs related to environmental protection. In connection with the international project Clean Up the World, the company cleaned the popular resting area on the northeaster shore of Lake Palatinus in Esztergom from a total of 1 container of waste.

Suzuki Motor Corporation takes environmental protection as a common responsibility. The initiative, which originated in Japan, has gradually become international since 2011. In 2021, more than 1,700 volunteers, through 27 distributors, have been involved in cleaning up seas, rivers, and lakes and more than 10,000 volunteers since 2010. Marine division of Magyar Suzuki Corporation together with the 7th and 8th grade students of Zoltán Meszlényi Catholic Primary School cleaned the northeastern shore of Lake Palatinus in Esztergom from 1 containers of rubbish on 22 April. After the garbage collection, Györgyi Fehér, a museum teacher of the Danube Museum in Esztergom gave a lecture on water-related environmental protection, and after lunch, Zsuzsanna Bonifert, representative of the local diving base, involved the participants in her interactive lecture.

The transportation of the waste was ensured by the Municipality of Esztergom.