Main company data


Main company data  
Registered capital (as of December 31, 2022) 212,8 million euro
 Payroll employees (statistical average 2022) 2682 persons
Total net sales revenue (2022) 2,144.9 million euro
Net revenue from domestic sales (2022)   271 million euro
Net revenue from export sales (2022)    1,873.9 million euro
Investments based on procurement (2022)   39.2 million euro
Suzuki Motor Corporation 97,53%
ITOCHU Corporation 2,46%
Hungarian shareholders 0,01%
Production and sales (2022)  
Vehicles produced in Esztergom 129,022
Vehicles sold 128,536
of which produced in Esztergom 124,561
Export 113,817
of which produced in Esztergom 111,437
Vitara 73,417
S-CROSS 38,020
Vehicles sold in the domestic market  14,719
 of which produced in Esztergom 13,124
Vitara 5,786
S-CROSS 7,338


Suzuki breaks the mould once again with the unveiling of the GSX1300R Hayabusa. The ultimate 1298cc liquid-cooled DOHC in-line 4-cylinder engine that powered the Hayabusa represented the epitome of no-compromise engineering. The Hayabusa's most notable features were its aerodynamic design and its superb balance of the engine performance and handling in a wide speed range on the road.